A nanotechnology formulation with a mixture of nutritional trace elements like Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Boron (B) and Molybdenum (Mo), activated with E2DA® Technology.
A nanotechnology formulation with a mixture of nutritional trace elements like Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Boron (B) and Molybdenum (Mo), activated with E2DA® Technology.
Ideal for promoting photosynthesis, protein synthesis, strengthening fruit cohesion, and enhancing the vigor and health of crops, especially those with specific Copper and Zinc requirements.
Suspension Concentrates (SC)
- 18,3% Cu
- 5% Zn
- 12,2% CaO
- 2,5% B
- 9,2% SO3
- 0,5% Mo
- Provides a systemic effect of nutrients.
- Includes Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn), known for their antimicrobial properties.
- Covers both immediate and long-term Copper and Zinc needs (slow-released ions).
- Contributes to quality flowering and increased fruiting.
- Utilizes the synergistic action of Mo – Zn – B – Ca.
- Safe to use, without phytotoxicity or fruit surface coating (at recommended dosage).
Bottles (100CC-1LT), Jerrycans (3Lt-10Lt), Barrels (200Lt), IBCs (800LT)
Drip Dosage (lt/ha): 0,75-2, Foliar Dosage (L/ha or L/1000L): 0,75-1,5