E2DA® Technology: Pushing the Boundaries of Nutrient Uptake.
The E2DA® Technology (Enhanced Elemental Delivery & Assimilation) was developed by AGROLOGY, to enhance the uptake and movement of nutrients within the plants.
Leveraging decades of experience in plant nutrition product development, E2DA® Technology is based on integrating a cocktail of organic factors within AGROLOGY’s products. The exact composition of the cocktail is individually fine-tuned for each product to account for differences in nutrient composition, physicochemical properties, and expected use (foliar, drip) to guarantee the best possible increase in product efficacy.
The video below presents a short overview of the technology’s characteristics, advantages and benefits:
Technology Characteristics

The organic factors used by the E2DA® Technology share certain characteristics:
- They have a low molecular weight, which facilitates their uptake by the plant
- They do not compete for metallic ions once within the plant, unlike traditional chelating agents (i.e. EDTA).
- Also, they fully dissolve within the plant acting as carbon sources.
- They are functional in conditions of plant abiotic stress.
- And lastly, they work in both acidic and alkaline pH.
E2DA® Technology Mode of Action
The exact mode of action of the E2DA® Technology differs between the components used and the technology enhances three aspects of the products use. Those aspects are:
• Speed and extent of nutrient uptake
• And movement of the nutrients within the plant
Nutrient Uptake
When nutrient is foliarly applied, a percentage of them is unable to enter the plant due to the negative charge of the leaves cuticle. On the contrary, in E2DA® Technology some of the organic factors used bond to nutrients creating neutral organic molecules. As a result, it allows greater uptake as the cuticle’s charge does not interact with the neutral molecules (Fig. 1).
University studies have also shown that E2DA® Technology increases the speed of uptake, with maximum uptake being registered in under two hours, which renders products integrated with the technology, rain-safe (Fig. 2)

Movement within the Plant
With traditional fertilizers, once inside the plant, nutrient efficacy is limited by cell walls, whose presence mean that:
• The plant must expend energy to absorb nutrients within the cells, meaning that fertilizer efficacy significantly drops in conditions of abiotic stress
• Also, the nutrients primarily move through the apoplastic pathway, which results in their slow, non-uniform translocation within the plant

E2DA® Technology uses a series of organic factors that act as dipoles enabling bonded nutrients to enter the cells without the expending of energy by the plant. This enables nutrients to move through both apoplastic and symplastic pathways resulting in faster more uniform translocation (Fig. 3). In addition, it makes products integrated with E2DA® Technology usable even in conditions of stress.
Benefits of E2DA® Technology
1. Increased nutrient uptake
2. Maximum uptake in 2 hours
• Fast results
• Rain-Safe products
3. Uniform translocation of nutrients within the plant
4. Fertilizers integrated with E2DA® Technology are effective even in condition of abiotic stress