Liquid Calcium fertilizer, ideal for improving fruit firmness and preventing epidermal splitting. Further enhanced by the integration of the E2DA® Technology, which promotes absorption and translocation of nutrients.
Liquid Calcium fertilizer, ideal for improving fruit firmness and preventing epidermal splitting. Further enhanced by the integration of the E2DA® Technology, which promotes absorption and translocation of nutrients.
- Nutriplex Line Benefits
- E2DA® Technology Benefits
- 23% (CaO)
- Structural Element of Plant Cell Wall
- Participates In Carbohydrate Metabolism
- Vital For Cell Wall Strength
- Promotes Cell Wall Elongation
- Vigorous Plant and Leaf Growth
- Enhance Pollination, Reduce Flower Drop and Fruit Set
- Reduce Epidermal Cracking and Splitting,
- Improve Fruit Firmness
- Reduce Physiological Disorders
Bottles (100CC-1Lt), Jerrycans (3Lt-20Lt), Barrels (200Lt), IBCs (1000Lt)
Drip Dosage (Lt/ha): 10, Foliar Dosage (L/ha or L/1000L): 2.5-5