Dynax® Core: The Natural Biostimulant of the plant root system.
Humic and fulvic acids are of vital importance in enhancing soil fertility. At the same time, they are a key source of energy for the beneficial microorganisms that live in the soil and participate in its improvement functions.
The consequences of abiotic stress on the plant’s growth is increasingly intense. The main causes are both climate change and the excessive use of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This fact makes the development of new technologies friendly to the environment and human health, crucial.
Dynax® Core belongs to Agrology’s Dynax® line, which includes Functional Crop Nutrition® soil actuators-soil activators based on high-quality humic and fulvic acids from highly oxygenated Leonardite. At the same time, it is enhanced with combinations of organic acids, nutrients, and/or inorganic biostimulants.
Dynax® Core Action:
- Natural activation of the root system.
- Increases the utilization of fertilizers and soil nutrient reserves.
- Promotes the synthesis of nitrogenase and the conversion of inorganic phosphate compounds into organic.
- Strengthens beneficial soil microorganisms.
- Increases the concentration of phenolic & antioxidant substances.
Humic compounds – The black gold of soils!
Humic substances, or humic compounds, are widely known for their significant benefits in soil properties and plant growth. Their presence in the soil substrate is directly linked to its fertility. They are high molecular weight organic compounds that include carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur in complexes of carbon chains (aliphatic compounds) and rings (aromatic compounds).
Furthermore, apart from enriching the soil with organic matter, they create chelate complexes with the nutrients in the soil. In this way, they increase the uptake of nutrients by plants. Furthermore, they participate in the exchange of ions between the soil solution and the root system, enhancing the availability of macro- and microelements for plants. In addition, they form strong bonds with clay and silt, contributing to the creation of stable organic complexes (aggregates), resulting in the improvement of soil porosity and sufficient aeration.
At the same time, they show an increased ability to restrain water in the rhizosphere, while they are a source of energy for the beneficial soil microorganisms. Microorganisms intervene in numerous functions to improve their properties, but also to increase the availability of nutrients for plants.
Categories of Humic Compounds
Humic compounds are divided into three broad categories based on their solubility in water at different pH levels:
- Humins: They are large organic macromolecules, which are insoluble in any pH conditions.
- Humic acids: These are complexes of organic acids, soluble in water under alkaline conditions, while they are smaller than humins. They are characterized by their high ability to develop strong bonds with soil nutrients, forming compounds directly absorbable by the plant, simultaneously preventing their leaching and, by extension, their loss from the soil solution.
- Fulvic acids: They are organic acid compounds, soluble in both acidic and alkaline as well as neutral pH conditions in water. They have smaller size and weight than humic acids, which allows them to enter plant organisms with great ease and move rapidly through plant tissues. At the same time, due to their structure, they show a high ability to exchange ions with nutrients, thus being excellent “carriers” of nutrients within the plant.
Seaweed – Marine natural wealth!
Seaweeds are multicellular organisms with a high content of macro- and micro-nutrients, polysaccharides, lipids, enzymes, hormones, and other biostimulant components. They are located mainly in marine areas, and as a result they have developed numerous antioxidant protection mechanisms that allow their survival in these extreme conditions. Additionally, their composition makes them a rich source of nutrients for the plant. They enhance plant’s metabolism and limit the effects of daily stress.
The most well-known for its functions and composition is the species Ascophyllum nodosum, used mainly in agriculture.
Ascophyllum nodosum is a species of brown seaweed native to the North Atlantic Ocean. Due to its bioactive components, it provides several benefits to plant organisms, while its extracts form an ingredient in numerous nutritional formulations.
More specifically, in addition to being a source rich in nutrients such as Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus, etc., it participates in the expression and activation of defense genes in the plant and strengthens its resistance against abiotic stress due to drought, frost, salinity, high temperatures, etc. In addition, it improves the levels of antioxidant substances within the plant tissues. Of decisive importance is its effect on the development of the above-ground and underground parts of plant organisms, on improving the quality and nutritional value of the final product, as well as on increasing its shelf life.
Cobalt – Elemental Biostimulant
Cobalt is a structural component of many enzymes and co-enzymes that participate in numerous metabolic processes and constitutes a basic nutrient for living organisms. It participates in a series of plant metabolism processes, affecting their growth and ultimately their production.
Mainly, its role concerns the strengthening of the binding of atmospheric nitrogen in the the root system of legumes, as it is a structural component of vitamin B12 (cobalamin). B12 participates as a catalytic factor in the process of Nitrogen binding and the development of tubercles.
In addition to the nitrogen fixation process, cobalt offers several benefits to other plant species. It promotes seed germination and inhibits ethylene production. This way, it delays the aging of plant tissues and maintains the chlorophyll content at high levels (responsible for the intense “green color” of the leaf surface). Furthermore, it maintains high levels of proteins, while it strengthens the plant resistance against the abiotic stress of dry heat conditions.
Molybdenum – The Element of Plant Growth!
Molybdenum, like Cobalt, is a structural component of enzymes and molybdo-enzymes. It participates in several functions related to plant growth, such as the binding and absorption of nitrogen. It contributes in the synthesis of hormonal substances, and the conversion of toxic sulfate compounds t into non-toxic forms for the plants.
The requirements of plants in molybdenum are not high, nevertheless, in conditions of lack of the element, intense symptoms of limited plant growth, dwarfism, chlorosis, deformations of plant organs, incomplete development of the reproductive organs and reduced pollen germination, have been observed. An additional characteristic symptom of molybdenum deficiency is “Millerandage”, and it occurs mainly in wine grape varieties. “Millerandage” is related to the lack of the element and concerns berries that differ greatly in size and, most importantly, maturity, resulting in the reduction of the total yield.
Finally, the role of Molybdenum in increasing the availability of Phosphorus is also important. More specifically, Molybdenum ions compete with Phosphorus ions for their binding position in the soil colloids and replace them, resulting in an increase of Phosphorus availability in the soil solution. Eventually, they are taken up more easily by the root system of the plants.
To be used safely | Always read the product label before use | Pay attention to the warning phrases and symbols on the label.