Lemons Qualitative Characteristics Improvement
Through Research Programs in collaboration with Universities and Research Institutes in Greece and Abroad, it is proven that the superior quality and integrated innovative technologies of Agrology’s Functional Crop Nutrition® products, make a difference in crops from the very first applications!
Our goal is to demonstrate that application programs with Agrology’s Functional Crop Nutrition® products are an obvious investment for producers, as the financial benefits exceed the cost of supplemental applications!
One such Research Program on Lemons var. Maglinos Xylokastro was carried out in Chania in collaboration with Dr. Vasileios Ziogas, Researcher at Hellenic Agricultural Organization-DIMITRA (ELGO-DIMITRA .The field was divided into two equal plots, one was used as the Control, while Agrology’s Program was applied to the other plot. In both plots, the farmer used the same plant protection and plant nutrition-fertilization program, apart from the additional applications with Agrology’s Functional Crop Nutrition® products, in this case Gravital® Force SC, aiming to improve Lemons Qualitative Characteristics.
Identity of the Experiment
Cultivation Season: 2018
Location: Ayia Pref. of Chania
Cultivation: Lemon
Variety: Maglinos Xylokastro
Trees: Fully productive – Excellent nutritional status
The applications used the specialized nutrition formulation Gravital Force SC of Agrology.
Experiment Goals
The Objective of this Experiment for lemon was as follows:
- Ιmprove Lemons Qualitative Characteristics
Agrology’s Functional Crop Nutrition®Program
In the experiment Agrology’s Functional Crop Nutrition® product, Gravital® Force SC, was used.

Gravital® Force SC is a Bioavailable elemental Silicon and Calcium Biostimulant in liquid form, with a high percentage of available orthosilicic acid [35% Calcium (CaO) & 35% Silicon (SiO2)].
- Enhances total yield and improves quality
- Promotes the absorption and utilization of nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Iron, Zinc, and Magnesium.
- Strengthens tolerance against both biotic and abiotic stress
- Prevents the occurrence of physiological diseases
1) Control
2) Gravital® Force SC: 3 applications
- 02/07/2018
- 09/08/2018
- 28/08/2018
Qualitative Characteristics improvement
- Increase in Total Soluble Solids in Juice (Brix)
Increase of Soluble Solids by 0.2 Brix in Gravital® Force SC treatment, compared to Control.

Improvement in Sugar/acid ratio in Gravital® Force SC treatment, compared to Control.

Increase in Vitamin C Content (mg/100 mL juice) in Gravital® Force SC treatment, compared to Control.
Increase in Vitamin C content by 5 mg/100 ml juice in in Gravital® Force SC treatment.

Obtain more information on Agrology’s Functional Crop Nutrition® Programs by the specialized staff of Agrology.
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“This experiment was conducted under specific field conditions and should not be applied as a standard without the guidance of an Agronomist or the Agrology Technical Department. In any case, Agrology Functional Crop Nutrition® products and programs must be applied according to the label or the instructions by Agrology’s Agronomic R&D specialists.”