Functional Crop Nutrition® product, in the form of a concentrated Gel, is abundant in Phosphorus and Calcium, and enriched with the bioactive Titanium of the E-PerForm® Technology.
Product Description
Functional Crop Nutrition® product, in the form of a concentrated Gel, is abundant in Phosphorus and Calcium, and enriched with the bioactive Titanium of the E-PerForm® Technology.
- Concentrated Gel form.
- Unique synthesis of Phosphorus and Calcium.
- Harnesses the benefits of inorganic Titanium as an Elemental Bio-activator.
- Offers advantages through nutrient mixtures.
- Utilizes the benefits of the E2DA® & the E-PerForm® Technologies.
Formulation Type
- 4% N
- 32% P2O5
- 6% CaO
- + Ti
- Enhanced with bioactivating Titanium, which:
- Activates several enzymes
- Participates in chlorophyll synthesis
- Strengthens endogenous defense mechanisms
- Increases Nutrient Use Efficiency
- Incorporates E2DA® technology, promoting absorption and rapid nutrient translocation.
- Ideal for promoting fruit growth and improving their cohesiveness.
Bottles (100CC-1Lt), Jerrycans (3Lt-10Lt), Barrels (200Lt), IBCs (800Lt)
Dosage Rate
Drip Dosage (Lt/ha): 5, Foliar Dosage (Lt/ha or Lt/1000Lt): 3-5