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Agrology Success Stories: Increase and Early Harvest in Greenhouse Tomato

Yield Increase and Early Harvest in Greenhouse Tomato

Through Agrology Success Stories in Greece and Abroad, it is proven that the superior quality and integrated innovative technologies of Agrology’s Functional Crop Nutrition® products, make a difference in crops from the very first applications!

Our goal is to demonstrate that Agrology’s Specialized Nutrition Programs are a profitable investment for farmers, as the financial benefits for them exceed the cost of supplemental applications!

One such Success Story was carried out in greenhouse tomatoes (SS 2018_7_GR) in 2018, in collaboration with “Geoponiki Marathona”, an important agrodealer and member of our NutriMaster® network in Greece. Throughout the process, the farmer benefited from the continuous guidance and support offered by Agrology’s Technical Department and “Geoponiki Marathona”.

The crop area was divided in two equal plots, one was used as the Control, while Agrology’s Program was applied to the other plot. In both plots, the farmer used the same plant protection and plant nutrition-fertilization program, apart from the additional applications with Agrology’s Specialized and Innovative Nutrition and Fertilization Products.

Success Story Goals

The objectives of this Success Story were as follows:

  1. Yield increase in tomato
  2. Early Harvesting Promotion
  3. Uniform yield with no major fluctuations between harvests

Identity of the Success Story

  • Cultivation Period: 2018
  • Location: Marathonas, Attiki
  • NutriMaster®: Kleftakis Georgios, Geoponiki Marathona
  • Farmer: Georgalas Evaggelos
  • Cultivation: Greenhouse Tomato
  • Hybrid: Ekstasis F1
  • Success Story area: 1.5 acres
  • Date of transplanting: 3/3/2018
  • Program Duration: April 12 – June 21 (40-110 Days After Transplanting, henceforth listed as DAT)
  • Harvest Interval: May 21 – June 25 (40-114 DAT)
  • Plant Protection Program: Common to the whole crop
Picture 1. The tomato greenhouse of the Agrology Success Story (SS 2018_7_GR)
Picture 1. The Tomato Greenhouse of the Agrology Success Story (SS 2018_7_GR)

Plant Nutrition Program

Supplementary Applications with Innovative Agrology Products with fertigation.

Gravital® Force: 20 L/ha per application

Number of Applications: 4

Application intervals: 1 application per 10 days

Launch of Applications: 1st Inflorescence, 12 April, (40 DAT)

XGel® Ruby: 30 lt / ha per application

Number of Applications: 4

Application intervals: 1 application per 10 days

Launch of Applications: April 22, (50 DAT)

Picture 2. Application Program - Growth Stage
Picture 2. Application Program – Growth Stage

Besides the above supplementary applications, the farmer applied the same Fertilization/ Nutrition and Plant protection program, in both treatments (Control + Agrology Program) throughout the growing season.

Success Story Results

Measurements on both plots revealed impressive results in the Agrology treatment. Specifically, the results were as follows:

  • Increase of Total Yield by 7900 kg/ha (7.9 tn/ha) or 25.5%
Picture 3. Fruit Production per Harvest Day
Picture 3. Total Yield in Control and Agrology Program
  • The first harvest took place 10 days earlier compared to the control plot
  • Uniform yield with no major fluctuations between successive harvests
Picture 4. Total Greenhouse Tomato Fruit Production
Picture 4. Total Greenhouse Tomato Yield

Investment – Farmer’s Financial Benefit

The increase of yield by 7.9 tn/ha (or 25,5%) and earlier harvest by 10days, contributed to the increase of the farmer’s income by 5.920,50 € / ha (average selling price of the Central Vegetable Market of Athens in the period May-June 2018: € 0.75 / Kg with retail prices on the local market € 1.50 / kg, price taken from personal communication with sellers of public markets).

Picture 5. Investment - Producer's Benefit
Picture 5. Investment – Farmer’s Benefit

Learn more about Agrology Specialty Nutrition Programs from our specialized staff.

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This trial was carried out under specific field conditions and should not be replicated without the guidance of an agronomist or the Technical Department of Agrology. In all cases, Agrology products and programs must be applied following the label.