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Increase of Grapes Yield and Quality

Increase of Grapes Yield

Through the Agrology Success Stories in Greece and abroad, it is proven that the superior quality and integrated innovative technologies of the Agrology Specialized Nutrition products make the difference in crops from the very first applications!

Our ultimate goal is to demonstrate that the Agrology Specialized Nutrition Programs constitute a profitable investment for producers, as the financial benefits more than cover the cost of the additional applications!

One such Success Story for the wine grape of the Roditis variety (SS 2020_108_GR) was carried out in collaboration with the Agricultural Supplies Store of Antonis Lianos, during the 2020 Season. Throughout the applications, there was continuous guidance and technical support to the producer, both from the specialized staff of the technical department of Agrology, and the collaborating agricultural supplies store.

The vineyard was divided into 2 equal sections. One section was named Control and the second was named Agrology Program.  In both, the producer proceeded with the same cultivation care and implemented the exact same scheme of plant protection and nutrition – fertilization. However, in the Agrology Section, the producer implemented additional interventions using the Specialized and Innovative Products of Agrology to Increase Grapes Yield and Quality.

Proof ID 

Agricultural Supplies Store: Antonis Lianos

Producer: Christos Mokas

Location: Tyrnavos, Larisa

Cultivation Season: 2020

Cultivation: Wine Grape (Variety: Roditis

Land of Success Story: 14,000 sq. m.

Irrigation System: Drip Irrigation

Hail & Rain protection: No

Plant protection: Same for the entire area

Application Objectives 

With the application of the Specialized and Innovative Nutrition and Fertilization Products Nodius® F-Kin, Fruitonic® Vega, Inca Ultra, XGel® activ Emerald and XGel® activ Ruby during specific growth stages of the wine grape of the Roditis variety, the producer was able to achieve significant agronomic benefits for his crop.

The Objectives of this Success Story were the Increase of Grapes Yield and Quality and more precisely:

  • Increase of Bunch Size & Weight
  • Increase of Size & Weight of Grapes
  • Production Boost
  • Improvement of Fruit Consistency
  • Increase of Sugar

Specialized Nutrition – Fertilization Program

1st Foliar Intervention: Before flowering

  • XGel® Emerald (300 cc/100 lt)
  • Nodius® F-Kin (100 cc/100 lt)

2nd Foliar Intervention: Fruit Set

  • XGel® Emerald (300 cc/100 lt)
  • Nodius® F-Kin (100 cc/100 lt)

3rd Foliar Intervention: Grape Growth

  • Fruitonic® Vega (250 cc/100 lt)
  • Inca Ultra (150 cc/100 lt)

4th Intervention with Fertigation: Grape Increase

  • Inca Ultra (150 cc/100 lt)

5th Foliar Intervention: 50 Days before Harvest

  • XGel® activ Ruby (300cc/100 lt)

6th Foliar Intervention: 30 Days before Harvest

  • XGel® activ Ruby (300cc/100 lt)
  • Fruitonic Vega (250 cc/100 lt)
Picture 1. Intervention Scheme

Mixture of natural plant metabolic catalysts

  • Elongation of Bunch
  • Boost of cell divisions

Ultra-concentrated Phosphorus Rich Fertilizer (15-65-15+8SiO2+TE)

  • Flowering improvement
  • Prevention of Blossom Drop
  • Elongation of Bunch

Organic mixture of amino acids of plant origin

  • Sustaining of vegetative growth
  • Increase of size of newly formed grapes

Liquid calcium supplement fortified with zinc and nitrogen.

  • Movement and absorption of calcium from fruits
  • Boost of Grape Consistency
  • Improvement of Post-Collection Life of the Grapes

Ultra-concentrated Nutrition Product rich in Potassium

  • Necessary for the Closing state of the bunch
  • Fruit ripening boost
  • Improvement of sugar content

Proof Results 

After the samplings from both sections –Control and Agrology-, the necessary measurements were made and it was observed that the Agrology Programs generated impressive results for the benefit of the producer.

More specifically, the results were about the Increase of Grapes Yield and Quality:

Increase of Bunch Length

Increase of bunch length: +5.3%

  • Agrology: 20.4 cm
  • Control: 19.4 cm
Picture 2. Bunch length (cm). With the implementation of the Agrology Program, there was an increase in the bunch length by 1 cm (+5.3%), compared to the Control.

Increase of Bunch Weight

Increase of Bunch Weight: +8.2%

  • Agrology: 515.4
  • Control: 476.4
Picture 3. Bunch weight With the implementation of the Agrology Program, there was an increase in the weight of the bunch by 8.2 %, compared to the Control.

Increase of Bunch Size

Increase of the length of the bunch by 6.1% in the vertical diameter and 7% in the horizontal diameter.

Horizontal Diameter

Agrology: 19.5 cm

Control: 18.2 cm

Vertical diameter

Agrology: 18.5 cm

Control: 17.5 cm

Picture 4. With the implementation of the Agrology Program, there was an increase of the vertical diameter of the grape by 6.1%, compared to the Control.
Picture 5. With the implementation of the Agrology Program, there was an increase of the horizontal diameter of the grape by 7%, compared to the Control.

Average Grape Weight Increase (40 grapes)

Increase of Grape Weight: +17.8%

  • Agrology: 4.71 gr
  • Control: 4 gr
Picture 6. Weight of 40 grapes. With the implementation of the Agrology Program, there was an increase in the weight of the bunch grapes by 17.8 %, compared to the Control (left).

Increase of Grape Consistency

Increase of Consistency: +12.7%

  • Agrology: 32.9 Shore units
  • Control: 29.2 Shore units
Picture 7. Grape Consistency. With the implementation of the Agrology Program, there was an increase in the consistency of the grapes by 12.7 %, compared to the Control.

Increase of Sugar Content

Increase of Baume scale: +20%

  • Agrology: 10.8
  • Control: 9.0
Picture 8. Grape Sugar Content With the implementation of the Agrology Program, there was an increase in the sugar content of the grapes by 20%, compared to the Control.

Increase of Total Production

Increase of Total Production: +15.8%

  • Agrology: 2.2 tn/1,000 sq. m.
  • Control: 1.9 tn/1,000 sq. m.
Picture 9. Total production With the implementation of the Agrology Program, there was an increase in the total production by 15.8%, compared to the Control.

Summary of Application Results

Picture 10. Summary of Results

Producer’s Financial Benefit

Picture 11. Producer’s Financial Benefit

Learn more about Agrology Specialty Nutrition Programs from our specialized staff Here.

This trial was carried out under specific field conditions and should not be replicated without the guidance of an agronomist or the Technical Department of Agrology. In all cases, Agrology products and programs must be applied in accordance with the label.