Cotton Project
Agrology, took the initiative to support the cotton farmers of Karditsa, who were affected by the Mediterranean cyclone Ianos in September 2020, by providing Functional Crop Nutrition® products of commercial value of 80.000€ in order to cover the needs for 1000 hectares of cotton cultivation (Cotton Project).
The main purpose of this initiative was to support the production and dynamics of cotton cultivation in the region of Karditsa, by offering know-how and specialized products. With two innovative Functional Crop Nutrition® products, Agrology designed a Program of Applications, aiming to Cotton Yield Increase and financially support of the farmers.
The management of the products was taken over by the local organization, TOEV Tavropos-Karditsa, one of the most important Organizations of the country, in cooperation with the agronomists of Agrology, ensuring that all interested cotton farmers will benefit equally and to the maximum extent possible.
Damages from Ianos
- Thousands of hectares of cultivated fields were buried under tons of water, mud and debris. In the prefecture of Karditsa, 80% of cultivations were flooded, which equals to approximately 30000 ha, mainly cotton and corn.
- Extensive damages to rural infrastructure.
Review of Actions
- February: Announcement of the Donation to the media
- February – March: Call for interest via the local organization, TOEV Tavropos-Karditsa March: Online Information Meeting with Farmers
- April: Selection of farmers who received the donation
- May – June: Production and preparation of the Agrology products
- 7-9 June: First Distribution of products and technical support to farmers
- June – July: Foliar applications with Suprafix MoBoZin and continuous Field Visits from the specialized staff of the technical department of Agrology to monitor the progress
- 15-16 July: Second Distribution of products and technical support to farmers July & August: Foliar applications with XGel activ Topaz
- August – September: Continuous field visits to monitor the progress of the cultivations
- October – November: Harvesting crops and Collecting results
- December: Follow-up Event – Cotton Project
Identity of the Success Stories
Within the framework of the Cotton Project, Agrology carried out 10 different Success Stories in the wider area of Karditsa.
Success Stories Goals
The Objectives of these Success Stories for cotton were as follows:
- Increase in the number of bolls
- Cotton Yield Increase
- Early Harvesting Promotion
- Improvement of Cotton Quality Characteristics
Functional Crop Nutrition® Program
Highly concentrated liquid Boron and Zinc in suspension concentrate form and reinforced with Molybdenum (Mo: 1% w/v, B: 15% w/v, Zn: 30% w/v):
- Flowering and boll-setting Enhancement (Zn, B)
- Promotion of plant Vegetative Growth (Zn, Mo)
Application timing:
- Square Development
Recommended Dosage
- Foliar application – 1 L/ha, Spray Volume: 200-300 L/ha
Complex Highly Concentrated product of Functional Crop Nutrition®, in the form of a thixotropic Gel, rich in Potassium and Phosphorus, with Bioavailable Silicon of E-PerForm® Technology.
- Increase of Bolls’ Size
- Promotion of Early Harvesting
Application Timing
- 1st application: 5% of the bοlls have reached their final size
- 2nd application: 15 days later (when 75-80% of the bοlls have reached their final size)
Recommended Dosage:
Foliar application – Dosage: 3 L/ha, Application Volume: 300-400 L/ha
Success Stories Results – COTTON PROJECT, KARDITSA 2021
By applying the Agrology Program’s Functional Crop Nutrition® products during specific cotton growth stages, farmers managed to achieve significant agronomic benefits for their crop..
More specifically, the results were the following:
Increase of Number of bolls by 25.8%
- Agrology: 95.9 bolls/m2
- Control: 76.25 bolls/m2
Cotton Yield Increase by 530 kg/ha (+ 15%)
- Agrology: 4.06 t/ha
- Control: 3.53 t/ha
Quality Characteristics
Improvement of fiber length and fiber fineness in 3 varieties
Results’ Synopsis – Conclusions
Investment – Farmer’s Financial Benefit
The increase of yield by 530 kg/ha, contributed to the increase of the farmer’s income
Get more detailed information about the Functional Crop Nutrition® Programs by the specialized staff of Agrology.
This trial was carried out under specific field conditions and should not be replicated without the guidance of an agronomist or the Technical Department of Agrology. In all cases, Agrology products and programs must be applied in accordance with the label.