
Agrology Success Stories: Mandarin Earlier Ripening with XGel® activ Topaz

Mandarin Earlier Ripening with XGel® activ Topaz

Through Agrology Success Stories in Greece and Abroad, it is proven that the superior quality and integrated innovative technologies of Agrology’s Functional Crop Nutrition® products, make a difference in crops from the very first applications!

Our goal is to demonstrate that application programs with Agrology’s Functional Crop Nutrition® products are an obvious investment for producers, as the financial benefits exceed the cost of supplemental applications!

One such Success Story was carried out in Mandarin (SS 2018_1_GR) in collaboration with the Agricultural Association of Sagiada in 2018. Throughout the whole process, the farmer benefited from the continuous guidance and support offered by both Agrology’s Technical Department, and the Agricultural Association of Sagiada.

The field was divided into two equal plots, one was used as the Control, while Agrology’s Program was applied to the other plot. In both plots, the farmer used the same plant protection and plant nutrition-fertilization program, apart from the additional applications with Agrology’s Functional Crop Nutrition® products.

Identity of the Success Story

Cultivation Period: 2017

Location: Sagiada,Thesprotia

NutriMaster®: Agricultural Association of Sagiada

Owner of the Estate: Anastasiadis Ioannis

Cultivation: Mandarin

Variety: Klimentini

Plant Protection Program: Common to the entire area

Success Story Goals

The main objective of this Success Story was to promote early  fruit ripening in order to secure better prices for the farmer.

Agrology’s Functional Crop Nutrition® Program

Supplementary Applications with Agrology Functional Crop Nutrition® Products: The program consisted of one foliar application with XGel® activ Topaz at the growth stage of fruit ripenning (300 cc / 100 liters).

Picture 1. Functional Crop Nutrition® Program

Highly Concentrated Functional Crop Nutrition® product, in the form of a thixotropic Gel, with Bioavailable Silicon of E-PerForm® Technology, rich in Phosphorus and Potassium.

  • High content of Phosphorus and Potassium to increase fruit weight and sugars, improve their color and increase yields
  • Enriched with the bioactivating action of Silicon, by the E-PerForm® Technology to enhance the utilization of the nutrients by the plants, and the tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress
  • Enhanced with the E2DA® Technology, which increases the product’s efficiency

Success Story Results

Measurements on both plots revealed impressive results in the Agrology treatment. Specifically, the results were as follows:

  • Early Harvesting Promotion by 1 week, compared to Control!
  • The earlier harvesting of mandarin resulted in the sale of the product at a higher price / kg (+0.05 € / kg), compared to Control!
Picture 2. Mandarin Fruit Sample from the Control
Picture 2. Mandarin Fruit Samples from the Control
Picture 3. Mandarin Fruit Sample from the XGel Topaz application
Picture 3. Mandarin Fruit Samples from the XGel® activ Topaz treatment

The photos are from the same field (25/10/2017).

Investment – Farmer’s Financial Benefit

The earlier harvesting contributed to farmer’s income increase by 2500 € / ha. (Increase in price / Kg: 0.05 € –The farmer himself provided the information on the following average kilo prices), while the cost of the additional application was only 70€ / ha.

Average Yield per ha: 50.000 kg

Picture 4. Investment – Farmer’s Benefit

Obtain more information on Agrology’s Functional Crop Nutrition® Programs by the specialized staff of Agrology.

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“This experiment was conducted under specific field conditions and should not be applied as a standard without the guidance of an Agronomist or the Agrology Technical Department. In any case, Agrology Functional Crop Nutrition® products and programs must be applied according to the label or the instructions by Agrology’s Agronomic R&D specialists.”